Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday daily lift and bread.

Breakfast: Superman's breakfast.

A food that no one has really ever heard of. It's not very common, but it is basically like eating oatmeal on roid's. Extremely good for you. Not as popular, but I HIGHLY recommend getting it into your diet. Check out all about Quinoa here I always just prepare a cup of it to throw in a container to have around to eat. (1 cup makes A LOT) You make it like you would rice. You can pick some up in the health/organic section of stores. (My pick is the one from Wegmans)

3/4ths cup Quinoa warmed up
Add and stir in:
1 cut up banana
2 tsp Peanut Butter (Make sure its natural, do not buy just regular peanut butter as it contains partly hydrogenated oils which are trans fat). My favorite picks are Smart Balance Omega (Added flax seed which is a bonus) and Skippys Natural.
1 tsp flaxseed
1 tsp honey
1 tsp chopped up pecans (or walnuts)
1 tsp (preferably vanilla) whey protein powder

Eat with a nice tall glass of skim milk.

Eat it with a cape on (preferably a red cape with blue lining!)


~8 minute warm up (quick jog, sprints in place, push ups, lunges, jumping jacks)

1a) Incline Bench press (barbell)
1b) -Focused- wide grip pull ups (Pull ups with a focus on pulling with 1 arm at a time, for example, focus a pull up with your right hand and literally lift yourself to your ride side/right hand so your chin touches your right hand. You're still holding on with your left hand, just focusing your right side. Alternate each side.)

2a) Bulgarian Split Squats (with a barbell) you can opt for dumbbells too if you are a beginner.
2b) 1-footed calf raises. Calves are an agitating muscle group. I know I myself find it better to focus higher reps and more sets. 4x sets of 15 reps each foot.

Cool down. (basically same as warm up without sprints in place)

That's all. Simple well rounded routine. Took about thirty minutes.


James 3:6 - The tongue is a fire, a world of evil. Placed among the parts of our bodies, the tongue contaminates the whole body and sets on fire the course of life, and is itself set on fire by hell.

Let me add emphasis on the 'sets on fire the course of life' part. People... WORDS HURT. Honestly, Actions don't speak, they show. Therefore Words speak louder then actions (this is generalized, not indeed to be factual or debatable). What you say to people, can really effect them harder then you imagine. Granted, we get caught up in life and don't always say stuff that we mean, but...

Let us try to be more encouraging to others, not spit on them. Not name call them until their feelings are hurt. Not swearing curses at them in regards to anger/frustration. We all know that people can be dumb (including myself) and just agitate us sometimes, but rather then spit fire, blow cool air. I once was on the phone with someone and reminded her about a time she said something, and her response was "Yeah well it's just words, it means nothing". That hurt even more.

By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.
~Winston Churchill

Chins up, Smiles bright, Be happy with who you are and what you have already, you're extremely blessed to be you.



  1. I told you I'd made one just for commenting! Booyah!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gonna have to try Quinoa. Read about it before but haven't tried it yet.
