Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday 4-22

Breakfast: Quinoa (refer to last Wednesday post about Quinoa). Also had a little singles serving of yogurt with it (I'm a fan of the Dannon's Light & Fit. Wegman's has an incredible selection of flavors).

Since this isn't a new recipe, I will give you my lunch (Could also be considered my post work out since it's eaten after working out).

Lunch: Tuna Torpedo (I make mine spicy by adding sriracha)
1 can tuna drained VERY well. (Always pick water packed or fresh over oil packed. It holds it's good fatty acid oils better)
I mix it in a bowl with:
2 Tbps plane yogurt (yes, it sounds disgusting, but remember it's PLANE so it has no taste. Just a MUCH better alternative for thickening the tuna rather then fattening mayonaise).
1 tbps Wheat germ

After mixed, slather all over a big whole wheat tortilla (A white tortilla is okay too if you just finished working out for glycogen restores).

Lay a couple big Romaine lettuce stalks and some tomato in with it.

Fire torpedo into mouth.

**I have a small glass of chocolate 1% milk with it. It's proven to be just as effective if not more effective for a post work out recovery then many 'sports supplements' on the marknet nowadays. ...and it's chocolate milk. Why complain?

Fitness: Did a lower body split today. Squats and deadlifts as my focus. Two amazing compound workouts.

1a) Barbell squat
1b) Reverse lunges with dumbbells.
2a) Deadlifts. Legs a tad more then shoulder width apart. (the wider you go, the more you work your psoas muscles (inner thighs)).
2b) 45 degree back extensions with a 35 pound plate held on my back.

That's all. Good lifts. Deadlifts alone, can hurt you if not done correctly. Majority segment of this routine could be a bit more tough so I would either get a hold of me or do deep research before attempting if you're new to them.


Don't feel it necessary to post one today. Refer to yesterdays post and let's focus on that this week. Some may say, well Mr.Christian, shouldn't this have something everday? Well, could you go to church everday and remember what was preeched every time? Some maybe, some not so much. Especially with everyones school work load and finals. I'll put more ideas in below to follow up last nights post:

Make a promise, and keep it.
Look beyond the face of a person, and into their heart.
Don't hold a grudge (or get rid of one you have right now)
Tell someone you are thinking about them. (Or praying/have them in your heart).
Have a get-together with a friend or some friends and reminisce.
If at the grocery store, when checking out, wish the cashier a wonderful day with a smile.
Tell your mom and dad (and rest of family for that matter) that you love them and thanks for being your parent. Do this if nothing else.

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~Mother Teresa

Keep the heart friends. Stay strong and keep truckin'


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